Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
I'm still laughing while I'm beginning this post. Correction: Writing this post, and drinking milk that's about to turn. Anyway, I was 'surfing' and came across this little gem. I decided to read some of the reviews on Amazon.com, and found them to be hilarious.
There's not much more to say about this really.
There's not much more to say about this really.
Friday, March 24, 2006
We're not alone in here!
So, here I am sitting at my computer, minding my own business, thinking that the only living things in my house at the present are myself and two cats. And perhaps the plethora of insects that tend to co-habitate with people (it's gross but it's true).
Suddenly I hear this rustling from somewhere behind me. Right away, and from past experience, I knew there was a mouse scurrying around in the room somewhere. Now, this is not that uncommon when you live between two farms and have two cats, so I didn't really think that much of it. But, I also knew that it would be next to impossible to catch it with all the desks and filing cabinets in the computer room, so I decided to see where if went and find a cat to sic on it.
I heard somewhere that cats are supposed to catch mice, and one of my cats regularly brings dead ones into the house to show off to us,so I know that she has the skills. Unfortunately, cats are kind of lazy, and they only do stuff that they feel like doing at the time. (hmmmm kind of like me) So when the cat saw the mouse she kind of looked interested, but instead of pouncing on it she just kind of watched it run around the room and out a tiny 1/4 inch square hole beside the door.
Now, I'm not a cat, and I don't know that much about mouse hunting technique, but I'm pretty sure that she had a number of opportunities to pounce on the little bugger. Needless to say, I'm very disappointed in my cat, especially since she probably brought the mouse in in the first place. So, now there's a mouse loose somewhere in my house and the cats won't kill it. I'm anticipating some interesting situations, especially if it dies somewhere in the ductwork. Hopefully this post didn't bore you, this is just the kind of stuff I have to put up with around here. Also, if you're afraid of mice, I suggest you don't hang out here for a little bit
Ciao for Niao
Suddenly I hear this rustling from somewhere behind me. Right away, and from past experience, I knew there was a mouse scurrying around in the room somewhere. Now, this is not that uncommon when you live between two farms and have two cats, so I didn't really think that much of it. But, I also knew that it would be next to impossible to catch it with all the desks and filing cabinets in the computer room, so I decided to see where if went and find a cat to sic on it.
I heard somewhere that cats are supposed to catch mice, and one of my cats regularly brings dead ones into the house to show off to us,so I know that she has the skills. Unfortunately, cats are kind of lazy, and they only do stuff that they feel like doing at the time. (hmmmm kind of like me) So when the cat saw the mouse she kind of looked interested, but instead of pouncing on it she just kind of watched it run around the room and out a tiny 1/4 inch square hole beside the door.
Now, I'm not a cat, and I don't know that much about mouse hunting technique, but I'm pretty sure that she had a number of opportunities to pounce on the little bugger. Needless to say, I'm very disappointed in my cat, especially since she probably brought the mouse in in the first place. So, now there's a mouse loose somewhere in my house and the cats won't kill it. I'm anticipating some interesting situations, especially if it dies somewhere in the ductwork. Hopefully this post didn't bore you, this is just the kind of stuff I have to put up with around here. Also, if you're afraid of mice, I suggest you don't hang out here for a little bit
Ciao for Niao
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
It is no secret that dudes are into toys. It is also no secret that most of these toys involve a motor of some sort. It is also no secret that it snows a lot in the C.O.G. (County of Grey)
Because of these three factors a lot of people that live up here have tractors to aid in the snow removal chores. I think that the tractor is one of the ultimate man toys. The reason for this might be that men and tractors have so much in common.
Here comes the list:
1) They're big. While not all men are as big as others, we definitely act like we are sometimes. Or at least tell others that we are to try to impress them - if you know what I mean.
2) They Stink. "I'm not a bath man myself, more of a cologne man" Tractors - as well as men are known to emit harmful fumes quite regularily.
3) They're ugly. Unless they're Metro, most guys will admit to ugliness in some small way.
4) They make obnoxious noises. Joe . . .
5) They're low maintenance. Ok, I'm sure most of you know some dudes that aren't low maintenance, and there are a few of you out there who have been frustrated with broken tractors - but look at the big picture here.
6) They're greasy and oily. Not much to explain here.
7) They serve one main purpose. I'll leave it up to you to figure out what I mean by that. You can chose to make it dirty - or not.
8) They have great traction. Well this one doesn't apply to Tomtastic on an icy driveway. It doesn't really apply at all, but I just wanted to bring up Tom's incident the other night. By the way we used a tractor to pull him out.
9) You won't find either one in 'Le Chateau'
10) As long as they still work, they're worth keeping around.
Well, that's the end of my list. I didn't know this post would turn into this when I started typing. I guess I was just inspired because I took a picture of my dad's 'new' tractor.
Any Ideas on what to name it?
Because of these three factors a lot of people that live up here have tractors to aid in the snow removal chores. I think that the tractor is one of the ultimate man toys. The reason for this might be that men and tractors have so much in common.
Here comes the list:
1) They're big. While not all men are as big as others, we definitely act like we are sometimes. Or at least tell others that we are to try to impress them - if you know what I mean.
2) They Stink. "I'm not a bath man myself, more of a cologne man" Tractors - as well as men are known to emit harmful fumes quite regularily.
3) They're ugly. Unless they're Metro, most guys will admit to ugliness in some small way.
4) They make obnoxious noises. Joe . . .
5) They're low maintenance. Ok, I'm sure most of you know some dudes that aren't low maintenance, and there are a few of you out there who have been frustrated with broken tractors - but look at the big picture here.
6) They're greasy and oily. Not much to explain here.
7) They serve one main purpose. I'll leave it up to you to figure out what I mean by that. You can chose to make it dirty - or not.
8) They have great traction. Well this one doesn't apply to Tomtastic on an icy driveway. It doesn't really apply at all, but I just wanted to bring up Tom's incident the other night. By the way we used a tractor to pull him out.
9) You won't find either one in 'Le Chateau'
10) As long as they still work, they're worth keeping around.
Well, that's the end of my list. I didn't know this post would turn into this when I started typing. I guess I was just inspired because I took a picture of my dad's 'new' tractor.
Any Ideas on what to name it?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I would like to give a shout-out to my good friend and former roommate Andrew, who has just started his own blog. There is sure to be much hilarity and a high possibility of internet hijinx a we welcome Andrew into the blogging community. Click here if you know what's good for you.
On another topic OPSEU has officially gone on strike. So I'm going to hang out at my parents place and ski every day while the teachers are out picketing in the cold. It'll be a big hardship for me, but I think I can handle it.
On another topic OPSEU has officially gone on strike. So I'm going to hang out at my parents place and ski every day while the teachers are out picketing in the cold. It'll be a big hardship for me, but I think I can handle it.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
My Addiction

Over the years I've learned that I can't go into Long & Mcquade, and walk out with the same amount of money with which I entered. On Monday, I was driving by my local L&M in Brampton when it dawned on me that I need to buy some strings. I entered the store with the intention of picking up a few sets of strings. Now, any musician knows that when you enter a music store you have to browse around a bit before you get what you came for.
As I was browsing I came across these. I had been toying with the idea of purchasing a pair of studio monitors for a while, and these were a really reasonable price. I asked a few questions and walked around for a while pretending I was considering my purchase. (mostly to try to convince myself that I wasn't being so impulsive)
After a couple of minutes I asked the salesdude to set a pair of them on the front counter for me. This is when the real trouble started.
Salesdude "Is there anything else I can help you with"
Me (to myself) "Sh*t"
Me (out loud) "well . . . I see you have a used sonic maximizer sitting in that rack up front"
Me (to myself) "Shut-up idiot"
Salesdude "Let's go take a look at it"
sidebar: I have been interested in getting a sonic maximizer in my bass rig for at least 5 years and now that I'm going to be a rock star, it's easier to justify.
Me (out loud) "This one is a little out of my price range, what I'm really interested in is the 482i, you wouldn't happen to have one of those kicking around would you?"
Me (to myself) "leave now, just walk out the door while you still can"
Salesdude "Let me check"
Salesdude (from storage room) "We got one!"
Me (to myself) "BALLS!"
Me (outloud) "Might as well throw that onto my bill as well"
I made my purchases, headed out of the store, and continued on my merry way.
You might ask yourself at this point "did he buy the strings he originally went in for?"
I would answer you "no"
Here is a short list of some of my other impulse purchases at music stores
this bad boy
one of these
this one is actually quite useful
this little jewel
an actual power contitioner - Tom should have looked into his more closely
this wasn't as good as I had hoped, but still useful
this wasn't from a music store, but it was impulsive no less - thanks Joe
In retrospect, I don't really need this
I'm glad I bought this
this has been a mild back saver
Every musician should have one of these
There's more but unless you're a gear head, you're bored by now
UPDATE: If anyone would like to buy this and this for me, I would appreciate it.