Even though I just started my blog, I apparently already have a number of faithful readers. I will try to keep posting semi-regularly so as not to disappoint.
Lately I've been noticing that there are a lot of people in Toronto who aren't rich, but seem to think they are. They try to exercise their powers of richness over mere mortals like you and I. (I'm assuming that none of the people who are interested in what I have to say are rich) This got me wondering. "I wonder if there are people out there who don't know that they are rich?" I wondered.
To help out those people I've decided to compile a list of ways that you can tell if you're are indeed ridiculously wealthy.
1 - If you don't think a diamond encrusted power-bar is excessive
2 - If your idea of personalizing your car isn't adding a tacky aluminum wing. Instead you have your driver change his name to better suit the car. "Oh 'Jimmy Two-tone Vee-twelve' would you please warm up the Maybach?"
3 - You have all the names of your servants memorized. (It wasn't hard - You memorized all the names and capitols of all 50 states when you were in grade school, so you just had them each servant pick one to change their name to.)
4 - You have three servants named Ohio
5 - Tennessee Ernie Ford is your butler.
6 - You can afford to have Tennessee Ernie Ford brought back to life.
7 - You don't like to wash your socks, so you wear a new pair every day.
8 - You don't like to wash your Lear-Jet.
9 - You have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn
10 - You have an Island for sale in Manhattan
11 - You don't slurp the last little bit of Root-beer from the bottom of your take-out cup
12 - You think this guy needs to take the 'bling' up a couple of notches
Well, that's all I have time for today. Hopefully I won't be so bored as to post every day, but as many of you know, I don't have a life. Feel free to add comments on other ways to tell if you're rich. Hopefully they give me a larf.
that's all
13 - If your country estate is roughly the same size shape and location of England
You know your rick when you
1) have a private box at both Rogers Center and the ACC
2) the last time you were in your box at the Rogers center was when Joe Carter hit a home run
3) You don't even know how to get to your box at the ACC
4) You have a "Super Pass to Blue" and you think that its a way of getting cheap beer.
5)You have a "summer home" on Lake Joseph, a winter home in Naples Florida, and a penthouse condo in TO for the "shoulder seasons"
Enough for now
I hate to wash my Maybach.
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