Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Boxes Boxes Everywhere

So, has anyone ever seen what 45 of these looks like in an 800 square foot apartment. I have. I'm looking at them right now. (well not 'right now', but as I am writing this) As you now know (if you read my last post), my roommates are Moving to San Diego as a result I get to see what is involved in the process of shipping one's belongings to the U.S. Here are some things I have learned while watching Andrew and Meredith slowly go insane while packing up all their stuff

Interesting fact #1 - If you're shipping DVDs you have to fill out a separate form for each one describing it (Andrew and Meredith have over 50 DVDs, that means over 50 forms). Apparently this is to discourage sending media with 'questionable' (read:illegal) content.

Interesting fact #2 - it's kind of fun overestimating the value of your belongings for insurance reasons.

Interesting fact #3 - cardboard boxes are pretty strong, but they would be stronger if they were a triangle.

Interesting fact #4 - I CAN'T FIND ANYWHERE TO SIT!

Interesting fact #5 - Andrew gets really startled when he accidentally steps on this stuff

Interesting fact #6 - You can't ship a microwave in it's original box. You have to take it out and re-box it

Interesting fact #7 - Styrofoam peanuts taste like . . . well . . . not peanuts.

interesting fact #8 - Andrew and Meredith have filled out roughly a pound of paperwork

Interesting fact #9 - The guy at the cardboard box store is creepy. He suggested they have a bubble wrap fetish party when they get to San Diego

Interesting fact #10 - most of these facts, while true, are not interesting

So here's my advice to those of you planning to ship a lot of your belongings to the U.S. - Sell everything. Buy new crap when you get there


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Styrofoam peanuts did you have to eat before you realized they don't taste like peanuts?

3:45 PM  
Blogger Junk in the Trunk said...

I prefer not to count the actual 'peanuts', they are sold by the cubic meter so . . .

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ae;lrgnablkasfgn a;slgn, asfslkghassv af.,bnafgg avn, .....

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COMMENT!!!!!!! BOXES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Lydia said...

There's a cardboard box store??

10:20 PM  

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