A little background:
In the previous day's comic Bucky (the cat) decided he would become successful by combining genres. He eventually decided on combining comics and music.

I thought this was brilliant.
(If you find the picture too small to read, just click on it)
Comics are funny! This is a rushed and not well thought out comment.
Those are the only kind of comments that come from me. :)
Ha ha ha!! I was talking to him on MSN. I had to go but he kept pressuring me to comment. I didn't know what to say. Joel can be so demanding sometimes. ;)
Like that time in the grocery store - wait, that was you that was demanding
Andrew, I feel your pain. He was pressuring me to comment too and then told me he would make orphans of my unborn children if I didn't. So, here I am, trying to protect the innocent.
I enjoy this comic, Joel. It makes me laugh. I was squinting for the longest time trying to read it and then I proceeded to read your final comment "if you find the picture too small to read, just click on it"...brilliant. Why am I at University again?
Now please, stop distracting me from my Music essay or I will eat you.
P.S. Jisuxbef is a silly word.
Oh sure Joel! Bring up old arguments. We were talking about you, not me!
(runs away crying)
Guys, I should know (I lived with you two after all) you are BOTH demanging!!! A regular pair of divas!!! CAT FIGHT!!! ME-OOOOOWWW!!!
yeah, remember how pissed of I got when there was a black nib in my red nibs
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