My Addiction

Over the years I've learned that I can't go into Long & Mcquade, and walk out with the same amount of money with which I entered. On Monday, I was driving by my local L&M in Brampton when it dawned on me that I need to buy some strings. I entered the store with the intention of picking up a few sets of strings. Now, any musician knows that when you enter a music store you have to browse around a bit before you get what you came for.
As I was browsing I came across these. I had been toying with the idea of purchasing a pair of studio monitors for a while, and these were a really reasonable price. I asked a few questions and walked around for a while pretending I was considering my purchase. (mostly to try to convince myself that I wasn't being so impulsive)
After a couple of minutes I asked the salesdude to set a pair of them on the front counter for me. This is when the real trouble started.
Salesdude "Is there anything else I can help you with"
Me (to myself) "Sh*t"
Me (out loud) "well . . . I see you have a used sonic maximizer sitting in that rack up front"
Me (to myself) "Shut-up idiot"
Salesdude "Let's go take a look at it"
sidebar: I have been interested in getting a sonic maximizer in my bass rig for at least 5 years and now that I'm going to be a rock star, it's easier to justify.
Me (out loud) "This one is a little out of my price range, what I'm really interested in is the 482i, you wouldn't happen to have one of those kicking around would you?"
Me (to myself) "leave now, just walk out the door while you still can"
Salesdude "Let me check"
Salesdude (from storage room) "We got one!"
Me (to myself) "BALLS!"
Me (outloud) "Might as well throw that onto my bill as well"
I made my purchases, headed out of the store, and continued on my merry way.
You might ask yourself at this point "did he buy the strings he originally went in for?"
I would answer you "no"
Here is a short list of some of my other impulse purchases at music stores
this bad boy
one of these
this one is actually quite useful
this little jewel
an actual power contitioner - Tom should have looked into his more closely
this wasn't as good as I had hoped, but still useful
this wasn't from a music store, but it was impulsive no less - thanks Joe
In retrospect, I don't really need this
I'm glad I bought this
this has been a mild back saver
Every musician should have one of these
There's more but unless you're a gear head, you're bored by now
UPDATE: If anyone would like to buy this and this for me, I would appreciate it.
Move to California dude. They don't have L&M here. You, Meredith and I could hang out and drink. Doesn't that sound like fun? MOVE TO CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm . . . I do like hanging out and drinking . . .
And you still have to take me out for a beer!
There's a slight chance I might be in Nevada in the spring - that's only one state away! I'll give you a shout.
You didn't get strings. lol! Oh joel. I liked your comments to yourself. "BALLS!" made me laugh.
Right, so is there a list of things that you didn't ever buy at a music store?
When I have an excuse to use it, i am so asking for it back. You know I am.
I almost 'impulse bought' one on monday, but it was the USA model, not the russian one. I'm sure you would rather see me using yours instead of cheapening my tone with the USA model
Oh my. Long and McQuade is a dangerous store for me, too. I'm slobbering a little just now. That L&M you went to? Almost literally around the corner from my house. It would take me about 5-10 minutes to walk there RIGHT. NOW.
......(getting shoes on)......
hmmm, it's about 10 minutes from my place - Representing the B-dot!
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