Thursday, January 19, 2006

Who would make a list?

The list is one of the fundamental things that makes us human. It is, in esscence, what makes us human. No animals have ever been documented to show this behaviour of list making, in captivity or in the wild. There was one study that apparently showed a Rheus Monkey* making what appeared to be some sort of a shopping list, but this was later disproved. It turned out that the monkey had simply been trying to solve a physics problem and the calculations had a list like appearance.

Since the invention of written language, people have been making lists. An ancient stone tablet found in a cave in the middle east has recently been translated and appears to be some sort of list that a cave woman, made up of things for her cave man to pick up on the way home. Archeological digging in the cave discovered that while the man did get most of the things on the list, he forgot the most important thing, and got the wrong brand of shampoo. This list making has evolved throughout the ages into the complex 'art form' (as some people would call it) that exists today.

There are many kinds of lists. For example:

- A 'people to kill' list/Enemies List**

- A grocery list

- A shopping list (generic)

- A 'to do' or task list

- A list of chores

- A parts list

- A mailing list

- Friedrich List

- A playlist

- A Top Ten list***

- etc.

I could go on and on about the many different types of lists, but no one's really interested. Incidentally, if anyone can think of a really good list, please leave it in my comments section.

Who would make a list, and why? There are lots of reasons people make lists

- Because they are terrible at grammar**** and point form saves them from having to put full paragraphs together

- To prove that they know more than one thing on a particular subject

- They've already been branded***** as a list maker, therefore they are doomed to make lists for the rest of their life

- They are unable to think about a subject in enough detail to write more than a sentance at a time

- For attention

- Because 'The Lydster' keeps bugging them to make another one.

- Boredom

- Because they have something to prove. (I'm not sure what this would be, but we all have something to prove, why not put it in list form)

Well, that's it for today, I think I'll go to Tim Hortons - Hey, there's another list - A price list. See, they're all around us people! We can't escape them even if we want to. I'm surprised that Orwell didn't include the proliferation of 'the list' in his bleak description of the future.

*Yes that is a monkey in a space suit.
**Makes me want to avoid the salad dressing business
***Some top ten lists are pointless and stupid, although I can't think of any off the top of my head. . .
****Yes I know the spelling is different.
*****I'll take an ear tag thanks.******
******You can never have too many asterisks


Blogger Freakazojd said...

I see you avoided the obvious musical reference of "Franz Liszt," but SOME geek had to mention it, so I'll just step up to bat. Rock on, Lister.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Junk in the Trunk said...

It crossed my mind, but it brought back too many memories of our musical pioneers class

7:55 AM  
Blogger Lydia said...

I think that my personal favourite is the top-ten list, however terrible some may be.

3:02 PM  

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