Sunday, December 11, 2005

Working Soooo Hard (wink)

I'm sitting on a really nice leather couch in a studio near Rochester, New York as I write this. Daniel Welch, a singer/songrwiter that I'm working with right now is laying down some organ tracks on what will hopefully become a single. The King of Tone and Brad have left already, but I decided to stick around until Monday (and do some Christmas shopping) and just hang out in the studio while Dan adds some more tracks. Also, I'd get home really late (to an empty apartment no less), so I may as well just stick around. Any musician/gearheads that are reading this can appreciate that I'm enjoying just sitting here watching the computer screen. Mike, the engineer on this project is really good, so it's facinating to watch him manipulate all the comtrols and all the crap that's going on, on the computer screen. Well that's all I've got for now, hopefully my next post will have a new conspiracy theory or something that will make you chuckle.

Here is a picture of the most Phallic building in Rochester. It's pretty good, but Toronto's wang is bigger

Keep your eye on left field that's where all the weirdest stuff comes from


Blogger Freakazojd said...

Toronto's wang is ALWAYS bigger.
That's correct.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Lydia said...

I miss that couch already.

2:44 PM  

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