Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Don't read this

As I sit here in the crepuscular gloom of my empty apartment, I think back to better times. Times when in order to cross the room I had to avoid a club chair and a coffee table, not to mention two other people. You know the high pitched whine that a CRT Television makes; I miss that. I thought it wouldn't be so bad living in an empty apartment by myself for two weeks, and it wouldn't have been so bad if I could just sit on a couch or something, but I'm pretty sure I'm slowly going mad. My only solace is watching Futurama episodes that I've downloaded (luckily one of my neighbours has wireless internet, and didn't think to set a password for it). I have learned something from this though.

Camping chairs are really only comfortably when your camping.

Those of you who know me might have figured out that my only real reason for writing this post was to use the word crepuscular.


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