Monday, September 25, 2006


As many of you know I recently spent about 10 days in San Diego for a gig with Vinyl45, so I thought I'd post a few pictures from my trip.

A lot of good things happened as a result of this trip so keep checking back here for updates

This picture kind of sums up the mood of the trip, and some of our after hour activities

"You're not actually going to take a picture, are you?"

This is how far of a walk it is from Andrew's place to Petco Park

Dr. Seuss was from San Diego - hmmmmmmm

This was the first time I've swam in the ocean

Here's the awesome band - WOOOOOO!

One of the buildings in Balboa Park - (I called it Rocky park)

This was also at Balboa park; trees grow big on the west coast.

So, in conclusion, the trip was awesome - my next post may be about how much it sucks to travel for 24 hours straight.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Product Announcement #2

During discussion with a couple of dudes down here in San Diego (where I've been hanging out for the last week or so) an idea for another inappropriate product came up.

Here goes

Iron on Tatoos - none of this henna tatoo crap, or the ones that you just stick on and they wash off immediately.
