I Guess I Need A Title

Lunch is the most difficult meal. It seems like it's always more trouble than it's worth.
Breakfast is a much more obvious meal; I never have a problem knowing what to do for breakfast. It's a no brainer to pour a bowl of cereal or fry up some eggs, or just a simple piece of toast. Not that there aren't more options, but somehow breakfast just seems more simple.
Dinner is probably the most complex meal of the day, and this is probably what makes it easier than lunch. This seems kind of like a paradox, but it's true. Dinner has more ritual attached to it than lunch does, which seems to make the extra effort more worthwhile. It's not as big of a deal to spend an hour making dinner if you know that you're going to sit down and eat, and probably spend a good deal of time at the table even after the meal discussing important things like politics, sports, and . . uh . . . what bark is made of. Another big part of dinner is the creative process. If you have a special meal that you like to make it tends to be saved for dinner. The creation of dinner is as much a part of the meal as the eating of it.
Lunch, on the other hand is often rushed. If you're working it's usually either something you packed in the morning, or some sort of fast food or cafeteria food. If you're at home, it hardly seems worth the effort to make something complex because you already have something good planned for dinner. The result is that you usually end up throwing a sandwich together (don't get me wrong, I love sandwiches) or sticking some leftovers in the microwave. There is no ritual, not much creation; it's just about getting something decent into you in a fairly efficient way so you can get on with the day
That is why lunch is difficult for me.