Saturday, May 06, 2006

What would you say?

Have you ever been in a conversation when someone says something that either had a double meaning, or is just an awkward question. Well, I thought I'd post a few that I can remember happening to me.

What would you say:

(after being handed a photocopy): "I hope it's not too dark to make out"

Background: My former room mate and I are grocery shopping, the clerk starts scanning our items . . .
Andrew: "Go pack that stuff up"
Cashier (knowingly): "He's awfully demanding isn't he"

Background: Tomtastic likes to use the term 'groin-grabbingly' at every opportunity, A number of us are at Kelsey's, and the term is being tossed around.
My girlfriend: "Am I groin-grabbingly beautiful?"
I believe The Divinyls put it best . . .

Tim Hortons girl: "Are you together?"

Background: I spend about half of my life in the city,and the other half 'up north'. As a result I often go 'down' to the city
Any number of people: "Are you going down tonight?"

Hmmm, that last one isn't exactly PG, but I seriously hear it all the time. Anyways I'd really be interested in hearing any similar stories*

*This is just my way of soliciting comments.


Blogger Andrew said...

Background: I'm taking a nap on the couch and I wake up to see Joel standing over me.

Me: What are you doing?


10:36 PM  
Blogger I am being paid to do this said...

background: I walk in to the bathroom while joel's just getting into the shower, wearing a bathing cap and a 1920's style stripey full-length bathing suit.

Me: Last one in's yesterday's corn chowder, boys!

Joel: ____________

Buster Keaton: ____________

Michael Keaton: I am Batman.

2:18 AM  
Blogger Sincerely~Dana said...

How would you answer the third question Joel? haha!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Freakazojd said...

"When's the last time you masturbated?"

1:45 AM  
Blogger Junk in the Trunk said...

Ha ha, nice to see someone got the Divinyls reference. BTW, I hope your trip was fantastic - or even fangasmic!


3:16 PM  
Blogger I am being paid to do this said...

Say, can somebody tell Tommy to get off his ass and post again? Or is there some deeply emotional reason why he's not? Because if there is, I'll totally, lay off; I'm no jerk (this will be debated). But if it's not because his cat named Blogface died exactly two years age, and whenever he thinks of the cat, he cries a single tear, and he won't write another entry until he gets revenge on the government file clerk that delayed the paperwork that would have allowed little Blogface to get his feline kidney transplant... wait. I've been a total tool. I'm sorry, Tom (he said, in Joel's comment page). You wait it out, as long as it takes. And if you need to rustle up a posse (P-O-S-S-E, Joel), to go beat down that son of a bitch file clerk, you let me know. Poor little Blogface.

6:07 AM  

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