Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Alternative marketing for breast implants

First off I'd like to point out that none of my links are to pictures of actual breasts so for any of you perverts* out there, I'm sure you can find other web sites that you will find more interesting.

Fake breasts are apparently very popular these days. The manufacturers are making a killing on women who feel like they need an augmentation. Some guys are totally into this, as for myself - not so much. Unfortunately there is an untapped market out there, and they are missing out on the profits. Roughly half the population isn't being marketed to, and there are women who just don't need mammoplasty, so how do you sell implants to these people?

What you need is clever marketing. I'm sure there are many uses for implants that either haven't been thought of, or their potential hasn't yet been realized. So, breast implant companies, pay attention, Oh, and by the way, I want a cut of your increased profits. I'm sure that sentence constitutes as a legally binding contract, no matter many extra apostrophes it may have.

1 - Keep one in each of your back pockets in case you have to sit on a particularily hard bench.

2 - Men - keep one in your pants to , uh, well, augment things

3 - Use them instead of Dr. Sholls

4 - Fill a big tank with them unstead of the ubiquitous 'urine balls'

5 - If you're accident prone** glue them to sharp corners and things that you might whack your noggin on.

6 - Use them as packing material when you're moving

7 - Play hockey with them in your living room without fear of putting holes in your walls.

8 - Use them as a stress ball***.

9 - stick them under your sleeves to make it look like you have huge bicepts****

10 - Freeze them and use them as ice packs

11 - The worlds most comfortable ear--muffs

12 - Fill a pillow case with them so you won't feel so lonely when you go to bed.

*Hey dude, at least I linked to you
**Yes, that one was for you Digger
***what the . . .
****Sorry, I know that's gross


Blogger Andrew said...

Very nice! I didn't realize that I was Chuck though. :)

4:40 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

WOW!! I'm impressed, you filled an entire list (with MORE than 7 items) and they were all both relevant and funny..... Your have truly earned the title of "Blog List Master". (Please continue to use your list writing powers for good!)

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Joel,
It's blogs like this that make me realize how crazy you really are. I love it!

P.S. HI MER MER! How are you?

11:37 PM  
Blogger Sincerely~Dana said...

I love how your link for "Pervert" goes to Chuck's blog. hahaha! Number's 10 and 5 go hand and hand for me. Those would be what I'd use implants for. I'd also empty them and sow them together to make a dip guard for my clothes. Your "huge biceps" link made me sick.


1:28 PM  
Blogger Junk in the Trunk said...

Yeah, I almost linked to you for 'accident prone'

7:22 PM  
Blogger Sincerely~Dana said...

Oh Joel, you are just so funny. I am getting better! Honest! I am sure it's just a phase that I'll grow out of......


8:11 AM  
Blogger Junk in the Trunk said...

Why do you even have to ask?

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this blog site is verg experience's.


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8:01 PM  

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