Poor decorating choices plague me Monday to Thursday
Some people feel that they have the required skills and talent to be adventurous when they are decorating their house. The people that used to own the place where I'm staying right now do not have those skills.
I would like to point out that the current owner of the house, my friend Neil, had nothing to do with the way this place is decorated, although he is also far too lazy to make the necessary changes.
Example #1
I will start in the upstairs bathroom. There are about 8 of these tiles with the little ladybugs and whatnot on them. My problem is not with the tiles themselves but the fact that there are 8 of them. The entire shower area of the bathroom is tiled, yet there are only 8 of these particular tiles. It's kind of like they wanted the ladybug style, but didn't feel like paying for more of the ladybug tiles. It seem to me that if you are going to go for the ladybug look, you have to go all the way. This half-assed ladybuggery simply does not cut it.
Example #2
More bugs, this time stenciled. These can be found randomly scattered about the rest of the upstairs bathroom. Ok, I know I said I had no problem with the bug tiles, but really, stenciled bugs, gimme a break. Either kill some bugs and smear them on the walls or just leave it alone.
Examples #3 and #4
I don't even know where to start. Stripes (poorly painted stripes - I think they waited until the paint was dry to peel off the tape), inverted colours at the corner? What else is there to say.
Example 4 - ??????

Example #5
The first time I saw the downstairs bathroom I was in shock. This room looks like the coat check at the male strippers (I'm assuming). I was sure that the world already had too much leopard print in it, but I was unaware that this wallpaper existed. You can't see from this picture, but most of the accessories in the bathroom are cat themed. I think this picture speaks for itself. I have used this bathroom twice in the four months that I have lived here because the wallpaper makes me nervous, and any guy will tell you that it's difficult to uh, evacuate, when you're nervous. The thing that I love/fear the most about this is that it's difficult to tell where the corner of the room is because of the pattern
Well, there you go. I'm moving out of here at the end of the week, so I thought I'd share with you the poor taste that I live with four days a week.
Ciao for Niao
I would like to point out that the current owner of the house, my friend Neil, had nothing to do with the way this place is decorated, although he is also far too lazy to make the necessary changes.
Example #1
I will start in the upstairs bathroom. There are about 8 of these tiles with the little ladybugs and whatnot on them. My problem is not with the tiles themselves but the fact that there are 8 of them. The entire shower area of the bathroom is tiled, yet there are only 8 of these particular tiles. It's kind of like they wanted the ladybug style, but didn't feel like paying for more of the ladybug tiles. It seem to me that if you are going to go for the ladybug look, you have to go all the way. This half-assed ladybuggery simply does not cut it.

Example #2
More bugs, this time stenciled. These can be found randomly scattered about the rest of the upstairs bathroom. Ok, I know I said I had no problem with the bug tiles, but really, stenciled bugs, gimme a break. Either kill some bugs and smear them on the walls or just leave it alone.

Examples #3 and #4
I don't even know where to start. Stripes (poorly painted stripes - I think they waited until the paint was dry to peel off the tape), inverted colours at the corner? What else is there to say.
Example 4 - ??????

Example #5
The first time I saw the downstairs bathroom I was in shock. This room looks like the coat check at the male strippers (I'm assuming). I was sure that the world already had too much leopard print in it, but I was unaware that this wallpaper existed. You can't see from this picture, but most of the accessories in the bathroom are cat themed. I think this picture speaks for itself. I have used this bathroom twice in the four months that I have lived here because the wallpaper makes me nervous, and any guy will tell you that it's difficult to uh, evacuate, when you're nervous. The thing that I love/fear the most about this is that it's difficult to tell where the corner of the room is because of the pattern

Well, there you go. I'm moving out of here at the end of the week, so I thought I'd share with you the poor taste that I live with four days a week.
Ciao for Niao
You should find the people who owned that place before and fight them.
With paint, and half-assed ladybuggery.
I must say the worst part of that bathroom is that when you enter and close the door you will suddenly realize that you can no long find the door because well.. some tool decided to put the horrible wall paper on it. I can't imagine what these people were thinking.
very disturbing bathroom.
instant sensation of vertigo upon entering and closing door.
could be put to good use in event of home invasion.
I like the leopard print bathroom. It's "Shaggodelic". (That's totally spelt wrong)
WOW!!!! And I thought the floral wallpaper borders of the Ormskirk apartment were bad..... little did I realize the decorating carnage that existis in this world! How innocent I have been....
I love how she wrote "spelt" while pointing out her spelling error. Dana, you crack me up.
Isn't Spelt a type of grain? One that Dana makes a kickass pie crust from
Don't make fun! At least I am cute! Thanks Joel. I am glad you enjoy my "Martha Stewartness".
Spelling mistakes? You guys need to get out more.
Thank you!
So, Junk, now that you know how to lose a guy in 10 days...
what's that like? I have some guys that I'd liek to get rid of, but just telling them to sit on it is too abrupt. I think I'd rather lose a guy over the course of ten days or so... you know, let 'em down easy... so tell me, Joel, how do you lose a guy in 10 days...?
Stop showering - after ten days or so the problem will take care of itself.
I don't really have a comment here, but the verification word right now is 'jnizzga'. I am not kidding. How long until blogger randomly selects the 'c' word to verify (and somebody's mom wants to leave a comment)?
WOW! OK so yes i am lazy. And yes the leopard print does make ... things difficult. I think if your going to make fun, you should be able to do better.
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